Even when they don't contribute to weight gain
Women who drink a couple of sugary soft drinks a day — even if they don't gain weight
have a greater chance of developing conditions that can lead to heart disease 
and diabetes.
In a study presented at American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2011 in 
Orlando, Fla., this week, researchers compared data from middle-aged and older 
women who drank two or more sugar-sweetened drinks a day with data from women 
who drank one or none. Those whose daily intake included two or more carbonated 
sodas or sports drinks with added sugar were nearly four times as likely to 
develop high triglycerides — fat particles in the blood, which can increase the 
risk for heart disease. They also were more likely to have blood sugar levels 
that indicate pre-diabetes. Both of these are risk factors for heart disease
and  diabetes.

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